
Pork producers are facing a poor economic situation. Dal Grooms with the Iowa Pork Producers Association says based on a study from Iowa State University it is anticipated that producers will lose $37 per pig. Grooms shares a current view of the industry, “Well, unfortunately it’s not as good as we all hoped it would be. Certainly, we’ve had some things go right in terms of plants being able to open up again. But still, looking at issues with prices for pork or prices for pigs, and that’s something they’re still fighting through. And then those that have been impacted by the weather that blew through, that’s an additional issue they have to look at.” The overall annual damage to Iowa’s pork industry is estimated at $2.1 billion.

She said prices are still lower than they’d like but they have bounced up a bit since the spring when processing facilities were closed due to COVID-19 outbreaks. She said people in the industry are calling for elected officials in Washington, D.C. to work to settle trade disruptions to help the pork industry rebound.

Grooms added that following the derecho, some producers who use hoop barns for their livestock had damage.