
The Washington High School Drama Department will be putting on its latest performance this weekend, showcasing the true story of Grace Fryer in Radium Girls. The story follows Fryer as she seeks justice for the radiation poisoning she received while painting luminous watch dials using radium-based paint for the US Radium corporation.

Simultaneously, the play will follow Arthur Roeder, President of the US Radium Corporation, as he struggles to defend the company and come to terms with the deadly effects of radiation poisoning he unknowingly exposed his employees to. Taking place over several years, the play offers a glimpse into the daunting task of seeking justice for actions with unknown consequences and the human costs of those consequences.

Brett Pierson, the Director of the Washington High School Drama Department, talked with KCII Radio about why he specifically picked this play. “The short answer is that I read it, and I liked it. I actually had another play in mind that I picked out, but I always look at other plays before I make my final decision. I was aware of the radium girls’ story, so I gave the play a read-through it was really well put together, didn’t paint anyone in an overly negative light, and did a good job of capturing the story. The play is really heartfelt and honest, and I feel like I had a group of kids that could do a great job of capturing these characters, which is why I ultimately went with it.”

All shows will be at the Washington Performing Arts and Event Center at Washington High School, with the Friday and Saturday shows beginning at 7:30 pm and the Sunday show starting at 2:30 pm. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students.