
Ready or not, school is back in session, and it’s time to play football and for area marching bands to take the field. Highland Huskies Marching Band Director Mark Bressler tells KCII Radio that the Huskies marching show this year is titled “Onomatopoeia?” It’s a collection of the popular songs “Bang Bang, Boom Boom, Ho Hey, and Thunder.” He says the show is more of a Show Band Style rather than a Competitive Marching Style since the band doesn’t have a color guard. The drum major is Breckyn Pokorny, who was crowned Miss Czech Slovak Iowa this past summer.

Among the major events the band will attend this year are the first Hawkeye Band Jam Day on September 7 at Kinnick Stadium, and the IHSMA Marching Festival to conclude the marching season. Bressler says the band’s goal this year is to make good music, work basic skills, and have fun doing it. The marching band season for the Huskies begins Friday, September 6, when the Huskies take on Alburnett at home.