This week is Suicide Prevention Week in Iowa. In Iowa, suicide is the second leading cause of death for 15 to 24 year-olds and those ages 25 to 44 according to the Iowa Department of Public Health. In 2014, 392 Iowans died by suicide.

Pat McGovern, IDPH Suicide Prevention Program coordinator, says there is no single prevention effort for all Iowans and many who died didn’t receive effective help, in part due to the stigma often associated with behavioral health illnesses and treatment. There are usually warning signs, such as making a plan, suffering a loss such as a job or relationship, increased use of drugs or alcohol, or sudden behavior changes.

If you or someone you know exhibits these signs contact the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800)273-TALK or Your Life Iowa at (855)581-8111, for online services visit YourLifeIowa or SuicidePreventionLifeline.