Ribbons were hung up in Central Park to show how many people are victims of domestic violence. Photo by Sally Y. Hart

An Iowa woman whose 15-year-old daughter was stabbed to death by her then 18-year-old ex-boyfriend will be speaking in Washington this week to raise awareness of domestic violence.

Vicki Crompton is the keynote speaker at the Washington County Domestic Violence Coalition’s educational symposium Friday as October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Advocate in Washington County Brad Koenig spoke at a recent Washington County Supervisors meeting, and said domestic violence is something that reaches many areas of the community, regardless of background or socioeconomic standing. Earlier this month blue and purple ribbons were hung up around the square. There were 4,384 ribbons to show how many people in Washington County, based on national statistics, that will experience severe violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime, both men and women.

The free symposium begins at 9 a.m. Friday at the Washington Public Library. For registration information click here.