
The Washington County Board of Supervisors discussed hiring construction manager Carl A. Nelson & Co. to assist them in addressing facility needs at the courthouse and the Orchard Hill Complex.

Supervisor Marcus Fedler recommended Dan Culp of CAN to give a contract proposal on working with architecture firm Martin Gardner and Associates on plans for moving the supervisors’ facilities from the courthouse to Orchard Hill Building #3 on Lexington Boulevard, and the possibility of moving other nonjudicial county offices to the complex as well. The supervisors approved an agreement with Martin Gardner last October at a cost of $6,000 to conduct a feasibility study of Orchard Hill, though confusion was expressed at a February board meeting as to the scope of the study the agreement included. Fedler realized the original agreement only included the supervisors’ office and meeting space and not other departments. The supervisors directed the firm to return with a revised contract which has yet to be presented. Fedler expressed a desire to expedite the process of the project by hiring CAN, and Supervisor Jack Seward Jr. complimented the firm on their management of the county’s communications center project. Culp gave the supervisors a proposed contract, which will be considered at a future meeting.