
The free lunch program for students is continuing into the summer in Washington. Since schools closed in mid-March due to COVID-19, the Washington School District has been providing free lunches for families to pick up twice a week. Superintendent Willie Stone says the goal is to help local families, “It is available not only to any student in the district, it’s available to anyone from one-year old to 18-years of age. So, I don’t care if they go to the Washington District, if they’re within our boundaries or even if they’re not within our boundaries, if they want to sign up for lunch, since they come up to the site, we want to feed people as best as we possibly can.”

Stone adds that he’s thankful for the staff members who cook, prepare, and deliver the meals. The meals can be picked up at one of nine sites in Washington on Mondays and Wednesdays. There’s also an option to pick up meals in Brighton. Stone says some meals are delivered to rural families.

In order to receive meals, families should fill out an order form online – click here.