
Now, more than ever, is a time where athletes can get a leg up on the competition during this quarantine. There is no organized practices or coaches telling athletes what to do all the time so burden of responsibility falls largely on an individual. Will you be a couch potato all day or will you get after it when no one is watching?

Eric Turner of JET Physical Therapy tells KCII Sports you don’t need the glitz and glamour of a weight room to stay active during isolation. “There are a lot of options for athletes including online resources with various workouts. The big thing is developing a routine and sticking to a consistent schedule. Bodyweight workouts are very beneficial and athletes can get creative with them. For example, instead of bench press you can do pushups or if you want more of a challenge elevate your feet during pushups. It is also nice that the weather is warming up so athletes can enjoy their workout outdoors instead of being cooped up inside.”

Athletes are encouraged to workout on their own or in very small groups while still practicing social distancing. You can use this quarantine to your advantage or disadvantage, which one do you choose?