
Blood donations are needed and a blood drive is being held in Washington this week. The Lions Club is hosting the blood drive this Thursday. Ron Andersen with the Lions Club says now is an important time to donate, “There’s a real shortage of blood being donated right now. Schools are closing, businesses are closed or have different hours so they’re not able to hold their normal drives. And the blood supply is in continued need for everybody else that needs blood for all the normal operations and concerns going on. So, there’s a real shortage of blood right now.”

To help people practice social distancing to keep the event safe, all donations must be called ahead of time and further space between people will be put in place. There will not be any walk-in availability. To set up a donation time call Andersen at 319-461-3898 or visit bloodcenter.org to sign up for a time. The blood drive will be held this Thursday 1:30-6:30 p.m. at the KC Hall in Washington.