Washington City Council met August 7th.

The Washington City Council discussed a proposed amendment to a 28E contract for WEMIGA Waste Recycling Center.

WEMIGA Waste presented an amendment to the contract the city and the county shares for recycling, which addresses the change in the recycling market due to the closing of the Chinese market for certain recyclables. The board of supervisors approved an amendment that splits reimbursement to WEMIGA with the city for invoiced net losses.

City council member Steven Gault comments on the proposed amendment, “You get a bid on a job and the price of fuel goes up you don’t get to come back to the city or the state and say ‘God, the price of gas went up I need more money.’ This guy signed a contract. We never had any problems, I’m not saying everything was hunky dory with the other people, but we never have had this before. This guy signed a contract and I’m sorry [but] nobody else in this room can break a contract, if you sign one at the bank especially.”

City Administrator Brent Hinson stated he understands if the city council has reservations about the amendment, but he thinks the request is legitimate, though the change would undermine the city’s goal in having cost certainty when they entered into the contract with WEMIGA.

Mayor Jaron Rosien commented on the current recycling market, “It is not an isolated incident in Washington, Iowa. It is a national trend with the Chinese market not accepting plastic or paper. So it’s not an isolated thing that just popped out of nowhere right here in Washington, there is a national trend at play that should be mentioned.”

The council tabled action on the resolution and requested Whaley’s presence at the next city council meeting.