Fire in Washington July 6, 2013. Photo by Sally Y. Hart.

The Washington County Communications Center is now able to send texts to fire fighters when their department is being dispatched to a fire. The I Am Responding program that was recently installed serves as a secondary notification for members of the county’s fire departments. Cara Sorrells, 911 Supervisor, explains when they create a call using their computer aided dispatch system, members of the fire departments included in the call receive a text generated by the program that includes the type of emergency and address. She says several of the county’s fire departments are now receiving these notifications, and they’re working to get the rest of the departments involved.

The Kalona Fire Department is now set up to receive the texts. Fire Chief Steve Yotty  calls it an asset for Washington County. He adds that when his department’s assistance is requested, the program will allow him to see which volunteers are responding.

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